Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Preparation for you Destiny

So many of us find the one at a moment when we (or they) are not prepared for destiny's plan
Often we make excuse out of fear or doubt and are hindered for taking a leap of faith
We allow life and circumstance to pull us away like a riptide, leaving us damaged and jaded
We end up locking away our hearts, as to not have them broken again
It could have been any number of things: Their family (or yours) meddling in your affairs, not being able to handle a condition or illness the other possesses, getting caught up in what a person looks like more that what is in their heart and spirit,  or the most damaging not being honest about your thoughts and feelings thinking is will spare those of the other.
I will honestly say I'm the victim and perpetrator of most of these things so I speak to you sinner to sinner from a place of wisdom and not one of judgment.
Unfortunately, my circumstances are complicated by something that is slightly out of my control. Most of you who will read this do not have the same time finds so for the sake of your heart and the hearts of others did not allow yourself to be confined by what your past dictated use those instances as lessons to apply to your destined to love

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