Monday, November 24, 2014

Unwritten Lullaby

I want to write my seed a lullaby
By seed I'm in the child I will never bring into this world out of fear for their life will be.
The dread thats the choices me and those before me have made will make their life a dismal post-apocalyptic land of shoddy politics and death. The terror that because of who they are, the color of their skin, the amount of their paychecks, or who they love what to find the value of their life and be a price tag to be plucked off by any man woman or even a child who is having a bad day. I cringe at the thought that because two gangs can't get along, because the officer of the law gets nervous, because my wife is tired of being beat that is possible my progeny may not live to meet their potential. We as a people black white Spanish Asian everything in between are stuck in a slave mentality. We are slaves to the thoughts and traditions of older people who have not evolved a mentality with the changing times. the borders the background countries in ancient times (pre camera phones) no longer exists so why do we treat ourselves like we're such separate entities from one another you find every reason to divide ourselves from the person sitting next to us so much so that many of us feel like we're surrounded by enemies when we are not around "our own kind" and even then there are some of us those groups within the groups they feel alienated by people that are quick to call us brother or sister as long as we don't live in our truth.
To sum it up here's the scenario: a child is taught from a young age that the police, law enforcement, authority, and the "white man" are out to get him because in olden days black men and women couldn't walk the streets freely it was against the law so they were arrested in beating to show them their place. We perpetuate this mentality generation after generation after generation. The police and law enforcement are trained to keep order and peace sometimes by any means necessary and if they feel threatened there to defend themselves. Will you come by those two forms of conditioning there is a miasma of darkness that is created. The police see something going on that they feel shouldn't be they approached a group an attempt to do their job. Because of what has been ingrained in these people they see the approach as disrespectful and insulting. Inquisitions of the law enforcement are met with aggression because the group cannot comprehend the actions being perpetrated upon them. The aggression is then met with aggression from the law enforcements and the situation escalates. From this resulting escalation words are exchanged there may be some sort of physical altercation and at best someone may end up arrested at worst there are riots in the street because a child is dead. I don't take sides I don't defend people who are wrong. I was not there I don't know both sides of what happened especially since one side was taken to the grave. What I do know is it takes two to tango , and some provocation a card whether valid or not. With that being said we need to change our individual mentalities then we need to work on ours collectively both sides are handling this wrong and I will not take the side of a fool.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thoughts Under Moonlight

When I took this picture,  I was alone on a beach gazing upon to clearest view on the night sky I had seen in all my life. In the moment my mind raced thinking about life. MY LIFE! Where I have come from, what I have yet to do, how my life measures up to what I want it to be, and where I will end out long term. One of the most present thoughts was: I never thought I would see the age of 30. When I was younger, it was because I thought I would kill myself because of what was going on around me. In my teens,  I thought others would do it for me because I decided to live in my truth without apologies. And once that past and I moved into adulthood, I thought this disease would overpower me. Now almost a month has passed since I hit 3 decades of life, and I now understand that life is going to be hard, painful, sometimes lonely, and not ever thing will go as planned BUT we are the authors of each chapter of our story and must take control of our journey so when we reach the epilogue it will be a testament to future generations that you make your own way in life with help from others but the end result is up to you and only you