Thursday, June 14, 2012

Suffering from Lost

My desire is unattainable
My fantasy out of reach
My vision clouded
My dream nearly impossible

I see you from across the room
So strong so proud so confident
Your essence is intoxicating
Then I see you grab her hand and caress the child waiting inside her and I know in that moment you are lost to me

You speak and my soul shutters
Your touch breaks down my vicious facade bearing my soul before you
In your presence I feel weak and invincible all at once
When I said I love you I was met with silence
Why I asked why it was as though I had been speaking to stones and in that moment I knew you were lost to me

You drowned me in compliments and adulation
Propping me up upon a pedestal to admire me
You song my praises to the heavens and the starts
I reveal to you my truth and you flinch
You softly reject me out of fear and in that instance I knew you were lost to me

Judge me not for my desire to be loved for it is the kink in the armor that I have forged.
Hopefully one day the lost will end and the one will find me
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