Monday, August 29, 2011

So Much For Happy Endings

Previews run
Credits roll
Silence fills the room

The lights go down
Music blares
Giving opening to the main event

She meets him
He chases her
They fall in love
The plot twist
They lose touch or get into a fight
They make up

He sees him
But he likes girls
They become friends
He dates/sleeps with a loser
The str8 boi comforts him
Deep conversation insues
Str8 boi confesses he's not str8
You leave or get up off the couch
Feeling all warm and fuzzy inside
Caught up in the fantasy
Until you wake up the next day
Sun piering into you empty room
Illuminating the void space next to you
Then you realize life is not like the movies
Such much for happy Endings