Monday, November 12, 2012

Connecting needs and desires

I want to get to a point in life the Ink write with this not made of my tears
I want to see a day with a parchment accounts my life is not staying by the blood leaking from my broken heart
I want the Sun to rise and not be washing away the shadows of another lonely night
I pray to sit by a lake 1 day to see my lover rise from it's depth  to lay beside me in the freshly cut grass
I want to light the pilot on my stove to cook a dinner for 2 enjoy it while watching a movie on the broken couch with the ripped fabric on my 32 inch TV in my 1 bedroom Brooklyn apartment
I Dream of 1 day walking tour Realtors office and it being 2 names on a piece of paper claiming ownership or should I say rentersip of a 2 bedroom Upper West Side apartment it had to be signed by 2 hands with matching rings binding them together forever
all these things are wants and desires because I have everything that I need in my life and all that is left is to fill in the holes that connect everything together