Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lover yet to be found amongst fools

Write our love across the sky with the paint brush of our hearts
Sing of our passion as the choir of cherub in heaven
Listen to my voice on the wind as I call for you in the dark
Know the depths of my soul before you ever see into my eyes
Offer yourself to fate so you will be placed in my path laid by destiny
Summon my essence to embrace young times of loneliness
Look to the heavens and see my face the stars waiting for you
Taste my lips in every breathe you take in anticipation

Tea leaves will show you the way
Tarot card will tell you my past
Mystic vision will reveal my face
But it will be up to you to find me in this ocean of fools

Saturday, August 4, 2012


You are a fantasy that most only get to indulge in the dimly lit, strobe and smoke filled spaces
But few see you as the one who will get up the next morning, hair matted from the product left in when you put you head to pillow, washing your work clothes scent with sweat baby oil and dollar bills
Does anyone care about the reality that lies behind the shining muscle, devilish smile, and the ebb and flow your body to the beat
Seeing that you are more than the sum of your perfectly placed part highlighted by red blue and green LEDs shrouded in fog
I would wait to see the after show, where the disillusion of the stage fades patiently wanting to embrace the flaws and imperfections you hide behind a smile and a g-string
Seeing you across table at an early breakfast or a late lunch, gently wiping the syrup from you chin as you eat innocently or cover over on the couch as you tiredly rest you head on my lap exhaust from sculpting you body, your weapon, your tool, you investment and I caress you hair and make a silly joke about a cartoon.
The last thing on my mine is taking you to bed because the end resulting that I can achieve on my own.
I want to really know YOU, beyond the facade, beyond the hypnotic movements, into who dwells beneath the abs and biceps beyond

All this came up from seeing you in one night..... WOW You are amazing at your job.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mob Mentality

This is not a poem but a statement!
I just saw Step Up Revolution, and it spoke volumes to me.
The story, the dancing, and just the visuals created on screen inspired my spirit.
When you have a dream chase it
When you have a message deliver it
When you are passionate about something fight for it
There will be obstacle and set backs
You may have to start over on a new path to the same destination,
But the journey will make it that much more rewarding
Some of you may think this is a bit much to take forma "dance movie"
But my friends who dance, my friends who know the joy of doing what you love,
And my friendlier striving towards a dream chase
Be encouraged and always push beyond the box!


Misrepresentations of faith

Is it not ironic that you say you speak for a man who live and died for peace love and acceptance
Yet you preach condemnation with shame filled, hateful words

Are you garments so clean that you can act as the herald of a man spread his on message
And did so without malice resentment

I am no better because my word have there own air about them
For my only thought is who gave you the right to disrupt my train ride preaching

For all i know you are the man who so many call on in times of need and turn their back on in times of success
Manifest on earth testing the value of those who came after you, seeing if they are worth the the life you sacrificed

If so fail me now, for i like many others do not respond to brow beating finger waving dogmatic speeches
Maybe the vessels who someone your behalf should return to the old way of touching people's hearts and comforting their souls instead of punishing them for simple being made in your image