Friday, September 30, 2011

Grim Beauty

Beneath all my colourful personality
There is a dark, gothic romantic with in me
Not just vampiric kisses in moonlight
But the ability to see beauty in a grim perspective

There is a somber beauty in what remains of the old pier
A silent tribute to the queens lost to disease and struggle

There a solace filled grace in the flowers and candle left where someone was shoot down
It shows us a gateway where a new angel has ascended to heaven

There lies a chilling peace when you see a young girl's tears as she gives up her child
For in that moment, there is a hope for a good family that me raise the next light of the world

There is a peaceful clarity as he wait for the those result written through is blood
Because knowledge may save the life of the on to find the cure; If not his then that of another

The slivers of tragedy, glimmer of humanity are not the billboard beauty we usually respond to
They are moments is in life when we are shown how precious life truly is
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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