There is a difference between surrender and giving up
When you surrender, you acknowledge you have been bested and submit with honor
When you have given up, you roll over with out having put up a fight
When you surrender, there is a release because you have done your best
When you give up, you are imprisoned by doubt and question of what you should have done differently
You surrender you whole heart when it has been conquered by real love
You give up your body to delusions of love and lust
You surrender you soul to a higher power to find strength and peace
You give up hope when you have lost faith and feel trapped
You surrender to the guidance of family and friends when you need support through struggles
You give up and give in to the will of unsavory characters because it is easier to follow than lead your own life
You surrender to the power within you when you reach for your destiny
You give up on yourself when can look in the mirror because you fear what looks back at you
So... Will you stand up and wave the white flag (surrender)
Lay there and do nothing (give up)
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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